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Assalamu'alaikum .. apa kabar kamu hari ini ??? semoga dalam keadaan sehat selalu . aamiin selalu kunjungi web saya ya , pasti update tentang pendidikan dan info lain tentang bisnis dan ekonomi. Salam pendidikan dari saya Devilia Sugiarto Akuntansi Universitas Gunadarma Assalamu'alaikum .. how are you today ??? hopefully in good health always. Aamiin ..PLEASE always visit my web.. because i'm definitely an update on education and other information about bussinesand economic. regards education from me Devilia Sugiarto Accounting Gunadarma University


The concept of good governance is emerging because of the dissatisfaction on the performance of government that has been trusted as the organizer of public affairs. The bad picture of bureaucratic is bureaucratic organization of fat and inter-agency authority overlapping; systems, methods, and work procedures are not orderly; civil servants not yet professional, not yet neutral and prosperous; corrupt practices, collusion and nepotism are still rooted; coordination, integration, and synchronization programs have not been directed; as well as the discipline and work ethic of the state apparatus is still low.

The research method used in writing this paper are:
1. Library Studies That is data collection by reading, reviewing and studying books, documents reports and laws and regulations applicable and related to the research.
2. Materials obtained through the Intenet


            Deregulation and Debirocratization must be continuously done both central government and local government, and need to be evaluated periodically so that public services always satisfy the community. There are five ways of improvement in the public service sector to consider: Accelerate the establishment of the Public Service Law, the establishment of one stop services, the transparency of public service costs, the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), and the reformation of employees engaged in the service public. The implementation of good public services, giving an indication of the improved performance of government management, on the other hand shows a change of mindset that affects the better changes to the attitude of mental and behavior of government apparatus oriented to public service.


A. Books
L.P. Sinambela, Public Service Reform, Jakarta, Bumi Aksara, 2010 Pandji Santosa, Public Administration: Theory and Application of Good Governance, Bandung: PT. Reflika Aditama, 2008 Sampara Lukman, Quality Management Service, Jakarta, STIA LAN Press 2000

B Legislation
Government Regulation Number 101 Year 2000 Concerning education, training of civil servant position Law No. 25 of 2009 on public services

C. Others
article "UNDP Policy Document: Governance Supporting Sustainable Human Development", in the information bulletin of Partnership Program for Governance Reform in Indonesia, 2000 journal I Made Sumadana, realizing good governance in public service system Widyatana vol 2 2007 FISIP UNR Meuthia Ganie-Rochman in an article entitled "Good governance: Principles, Components and Implementation", published in the Human Rights Book: The Implementation of Good Country & Citizen Society, (2000), Jakarta: Komnas HAM http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsprograms/ 2011/05/26/8878/27 / Solo-Indeed-Beda /
[1] Pandji Santosa, Public Administration: Theory and Application of Good Governance, Bandung: PT. Reflika Aditama, 2008 p. 1.
[2] Ibid, p. 130.
[3] Quoted from the article "UNDP Policy Document: Governance Supporting Sustainable Human Development", in the Information Partnership Program's newsletter for Governance Reform in Indonesia, 200
[4] Quoted Meuthia Ganie-Rochman in an article entitled "Good governance: Principles, Components and Implementation", published in the Human Rights Book: The Implementation of Good Country & Citizen Society, (2000), Jakarta: Komnas HAM
[5] Sampara Lukman, Quality Management Service, Jakarta, STIA LAN Press 2000, pp. 8
[6] L.P. Sinambela, Public Service Reform, Jakarta, Bumi Aksara, 2010, pp. 5
[7] Opcit, L.P Sinambela, pp. 5
[8] opcit, L.P Sinambela, pp. 6
[9] Quoted from the journal I Made Sumadana, realizing good governance in the public service system of UNR's fisher
[10] Quoted from http://www.metrotvnews.com/read/newsprograms/2011/05/26/8878/27/Solo-Memay- Different.

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